Leading film production company, Infinity Productions, graces Cairo’s billboards with yet another cinematic paragon, starring the adored Ali Rabee and beautiful Aya Samaha, in the awaited Eid 2024 film, Aal Mashy. Following the unique storyline of Hadi Hadi Abdel Hadi, Aal Mashy’s movie poster, hosting the movie stars Ali Rabee, Aya Samaha, Salah Abdallah, Karim Afify, Mohamed Radwan, and Abd Allah Meshref, dominate Cairo's billboards, turning the city into a cinematic landscape. The billboards create a sense of anticipation and excitement among movie enthusiasts and the entertainment industry as a whole, as they eagerly await the upcoming project, set to release this Eid Al-Fitr 2024. Multiple ad spaces host the different movie posters revealing a glimpse of what one might expect from the upcoming performance. The billboards strategically placed in high-traffic areas across Cairo command attention with their bold and vibrant visuals. By doing the latter, Infinity Productions has effectively created widespread anticipation for the film's release during the Eid season. Need to know more about this OOH campaign, price, location, and more? Visit and check out MOOH, the monitoring out-of-home intelligence data provider in Cairo & Dubai.