Viu streaming platform, has launched a new OOH campaign across the UAE to promote its library of Arabic-language series. The campaign utilizes a large, eye-catching hoarding format to target potential viewers throughout the country. The hoarding billboards feature prominent text in Arabic that translates to Viu Original Series, Arabic, Korean, Turkish, Download the App, and The campaign also showcases the Viu logo and an image in the bottom right corner that appears to be a scene from a drama series, but it is difficult to discern any specific details from the image provided. This OOH campaign is likely intended to raise brand awareness for Viu's Arabic content library specifically, with also showcasing some of these series stars along with the brand’s logo. The use of OOH suggests Viu is targeting a broad audience throughout the UAE, possibly in areas with high foot traffic or visibility from major roadways. The UAE's entertainment landscape is experiencing a surge in popularity for video streaming services. Viu's decision to leverage hoardings for this campaign indicates a strategic effort to reach a wider audience and potentially new viewers who may not yet subscribe to the platform. Get more in-depth details about the OOH industry by visiting our Insiteopedia and navigate through its different sections.