Mcdonald's captivates the taste buds of food enthusiasts across Cairo with two new sizzling McChicken flavors, showcased upon Cairo’s outdoor advertising arena. Following their prior Ramadan appearance, beloved foodservice provider, McDonalds is back with yet another mouthwatering offering, two new McChicken flavors, the Smokey, as well as the Spicy Jalapeno. With a visual showcasing the OG McChicken sandwich by Mcdonalds, the new campaign ad spaces also host extremely appetizing visuals of the two new flavors as well, additionally labeling each with a spicy and smokey symbol. The new sandwich flavors surely cater to diverse tastes, reflecting McDonalds’ strong commitment to providing customers with new flavorful options every once in a while. The billboard design is similar to McDonald’s usual billboard feature, which ensures instant brand recognition and creates a cohesive brand experience for customers. The ad copy notes that the mentioned new flavors are in fact limited edition, in addition to a call of action noted, that being McDonalds’ hotline, for easy and quick delivery. Explore the comprehensive insights provided by Monitoring Out-of-Home (MOOH), a specialized media intelligence agency and analytics system operating in Cairo and the United Arab Emirates.