In a brilliant campaign gathers Al Ahly SC player, Mahmoud Kahraba and the social media influencer, Mostafa Turk, Energya Industries Elsewedy Helal for electric cables launched its first OOH campaign to promote Energya wire. Using Kahraba to promote electric wire is a simple idea yet extremely hilarious as the last name “Kahraba” of the renowned player means electricity in Arabic which will help in spreading the ad more, and makes it unforgettable. Using the blue color as the background indicates the sense of safety and reliability which is pretty convenient for electricity cables advertisements. The billboard’s copy is “electricity is our game” to add the sense of mastery and proficiency added to another value to the campaign. The geo-distribution of the campaign is strategic as you can find it on highways, major roads and also major bridges. Overall, the Energya wire campaign effectively combines creativity, humor, and strategic execution to deliver a memorable and persuasive message to its target audience. It leverages the power of celebrity endorsements, social media influence, and strategic placements to create a compelling and unforgettable campaign that resonates with consumers. Looking for more information about this campaign? Visit MOOH, Egypt’s and the Emirates’ OOH-dedicated Media Intelligence Company to reveal the campaign’s OOH types, sizes, budget, locations, districts, and more.