Synergy Films is raising the stakes with an Out-of-Home campaign for their upcoming Egyptian thriller, El Sarb. Inspired by true events, the film promises a heart-stopping journey of heroism as a team of Egyptian soldiers confronts terrorist threats. Cairo's streets are transformed into a scene-setter for the movie. The towering billboards showcase gripping visuals with an overhead fighter plane and army attire, hinting of the film's high-powered combat sequences to come. Synergy Films isn't just showcasing the action; they're also highlighting the human element and film stars they cast. The film's protagonists include Ahmed El Sakka, Saba Mubarak, Nelly Karim, Mohamed Mamdouh, Sherif Mounir, Mostafa Fahmy, Diab and Mahmoud Abdel Moghni. Their expressions convey resilience and match the movie’s pulse-pounding vibes. With the film's impressive production value on display, these visuals evoke a sense of anticipation for the film's release, which was on May 1st. To unveil more about the campaign’s types, locations, budgets, media plans, and more, go visit MOOH, the monitoring out-of-home intelligence data provider in Cairo and Dubai.