Banque du Caire is taking a bold step to promote local businesses with a new outdoor advertising campaign featuring beloved celebrities Amir Eid and Amina Khalil, after their last appearance. Eid and Khalil, combining their talent and charisma, serve as the faces of the campaign. Their presence on billboards demands attention and piques intrigue across Cairo. The campaign's message is clear, which is to choose local, evident through their ad copy “Give it a chance to shine!”. Along with a stamp saying “Encourage the Egyptian Product”, the smiling faces of Amir Eid and Amina Khalil bring a jovial, bright side to the campaign. By showcasing local brands in their television ad and encouraging consumers to embrace them, the campaign aims to strengthen the national identity and create a ripple effect of positive change. The multi-channel approach employed by Banque du Caire ensures maximum reach and impact. To find out more about the campaign’s types, locations, budgets, media plans, and more, visit MOOH, the monitoring out-of-home intelligence data provider in Cairo and Dubai.