For the very first time, luxury Italian fashion wear brand, Paul & Shark, rises on UAE’s billboards, with none other than the Brosnan men. Through an exclusive feature paraded across Dubai’s streets, Paul & Shark chose the charismatic Pierce Brosnan, a legendary actor, alongside his talented son, Paris Brosnan. With the slogan A Father and Son Tale, Paul & Shark aims to evoke emotions of family bonds, adventure, and timeless elegance, beautifully encapsulating the deep bond between a father and son. The billboards host a charming and striking photograph of the Brosnan Men, portraying the father and son duo donning Paul & Shark's latest collection, exuding confidence and grace. By incorporating renowned personalities such as Pierce and Paris Brosnan, the campaign seamlessly blends classic sophistication with contemporary appeal, appealing to a broad range of audiences. The stars are rocking pieces including the High Density Windbreaker and Typhoon Field Jacket, boasting the Spring/Summer collection and its sea-inspired colour palette. The campaign spread across UAE’s Uni-poles in the first week of March.