Beko, a global brand renowned for its wide range of home appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, ovens, and cooktops, is making a significant return to the out-of-home advertising scene in Cairo. After a year-long absence, Beko has launched an impactful campaign across the city. The billboards proudly showcase Beko's complete range of cooking appliances, accompanied by the phrase 'Complete Cooking Appliances'. This strategic messaging aims to capture the attention of consumers seeking comprehensive cooking solutions. Moreover, the billboards highlight an enticing discount of up to 30% in celebration of the Ramadan season. The campaign serves to reignite brand awareness and reinforce Beko's position as a leading provider of high-quality kitchen appliances. The visually appealing billboards, combined with the Ramadan discount offer, are designed to attract potential customers, generate interest, and ultimately drive sales during this festive period. Beko's return to the out-of-home advertising scene demonstrates the brand's commitment to engaging with its target audience and offering them practical and innovative solutions for their cooking needs. Need to know more? You should visit MOOH, the monitoring out-of-home intelligence data provider in Cairo & Dubai, to know all about this campaign and more!