Pizza Hut, a renowned global pizza chain, has recently launched a widespread campaign across Egypt, following their successful previous campaign just two weeks ago. The new campaign has garnered significant attention with its captivating billboards that feature their enticing offer of 1+1=3. The billboards showcase Pizza Hut's signature red color, which is synonymous with the brand's identity and instantly recognizable to consumers. Across the billboards, three pizzas are playfully slapped, emphasizing the generous deal being offered. This campaign effectively captures the audience's attention and creates a sense of excitement. The 1+1=3 offer cleverly plays on the concept of value, enticing customers with the idea of getting more for their money. By prominently displaying the three pizzas on the billboards, Pizza Hut reinforces the message of abundance and satisfaction. This visually striking campaign showcases Pizza Hut's commitment to providing irresistible deals and positions it as a go-to destination for pizza lovers in Egypt. Learn more about Pizza Hut’s campaigns, budget, media plan, OOH kinds, and more by visiting Monitoring Out-of-Home (MOOH), the dedicated OOH media intelligence agency.