Samsung launched an outdoor campaign in the UAE to promote the arrival of Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, the campaign was launched in the streets of Dubai during the second week of February 2024, the campaign used hoarding and digital screens OOH formats with clear visuals just to showcase the new mobile arrival. This OOH campaign follows the brand’s previous outdoor appearance during January 2024 which was also for the launch of Samsung Glaxy S24, but this time with more OOH locations added, the visuals of the campaign consists of a clear large shot of the device along with the brand’s logo and the phone name, all that beside the text “Galaxy Ai is here.” The real novelty with the S24 Ultra comes via the software side, where Samsung has slathered on a range of generative AI features that let you summarize web pages, rewrite text messages, fix up your handwriting, and translate phone calls in real time. To learn and find more details about the OOH industry, visit our Insiteopedia and navigate through its different sections.