Abdul Samad al Qurashi, a renowned fragrance brand, continues to enchant Dubai's outdoor spaces for the second consecutive month, after a successful end-of-the-year celebration campaign, the brand has now launched an outdoor campaign specifically focused on Oud as it is the season for this luxurious fragrance with its captivating scents and exquisite aromas, Abdul Samad al Qurashi aims to immerse audiences in a sensory journey. Abdul Samad al Qurashi's Oud season outdoor campaign in Dubai features strategically placed advertisements is eye-catching visuals that showcase the allure of Oud, drawing viewers into the world of exquisite fragrances from billboards in prominent streets, the brand ensures that its captivating presence is felt throughout the city and evoke the imagination and stir emotions through the power of scent where the enchanting aroma of Oud fills the air and creates an atmosphere of refinement. The advertisement is positioned on a black billboard to enhance the sense of luxury, complemented by the display of Oud perfume bottles worth mentioning that Oud, has been an integral part of Arabian culture for centuries, it is often referred to as liquid gold, and holds a special place in the hearts of fragrance enthusiasts worldwide, Known for its rich and captivating scent. In the third week of January, the latest campaign inundated Dubai, appearing on both digital screens and lampposts.