When a retailer with a prominent reputation like Rivoli decides to get a name under its umbrella, it has to be a name with a long history of opulence and class or, in other words, the Carl F. Bucherer brand. Rivoli has launched a new OOH campaign to promote the latest piece by the timepiece brand. Under the hashtag #Exploringtime, the timepiece has promoted its new timepiece, Patravi. The artwork showcases the timepiece along with the brand and the dedicated hashtag, while Rivoli’s logo appears as a creative concept to grab the attention of passersby. The campaign appeared on the OOH chart in the second week of December. Using the digital screen medium to showcase the timepiece. As per their website, The Patravi timepiece brings together the finest craftsmanship of traditional watchmaking, exceptional technical prowess, and innovative standards, all complemented by a captivating and distinctive design. It’s worth mentioning that the previous Rivoli campaign was to celebrate the return of the Emirati astronaut Sultan Al Nyadi.