Egyptians are renowned for their vibrant sense of humor, making them an ideal audience for an upcoming comedy movie titled Bel Mondo. The anticipation builds as billboards across Egypt proudly showcase the announcement of this entertaining film by Royal Sun Production. After a brief hiatus of six months from their last out-of-home (OOH) campaign during Eid-el-Fitr for the movie Almondo, Royal Sun Production makes a striking comeback with a new OOH campaign for Bel Mondo. This time, they have assembled a star-studded cast, including Engy Wegdan, Hager Ahmed, Hassan El Raddad, Mohamed Radwan, Myrna Nour El Din, and Rehab Al Jamal. The billboards for Bel Mondo feature a captivating background that resembles neon lights, drawing in viewers with its appealing charm. The talented stars of the movie strike poses that perfectly match the theme, accompanied by neon lights that create a captivating atmosphere. This combination of the actors' charisma and the mesmerizing neon elements creates an intriguing sight for people passing by. The billboards are thoughtfully designed to grab the attention of drivers and pedestrians, making them excited and eager for the release of this incredible comedy film. For comprehensive media strategy, and various out-of-home and advertising formats, simply reach out to Monitoring Out-of-Home (MOOH) the specialized OOH media intelligence company and analysis system serving both Cairo and Dubai.