Baseball United, a global organization dedicated to promoting unity through the sport of baseball, is set to host its inaugural showcase event on November 24th and 25th, 2023, at the prestigious Dubai International Stadium in Dubai, UAE. This landmark event not only marks Baseball United's first-ever showcase in the UAE but also introduces the organization's captivating presence on billboards within the UAE arena. The billboard capturing the essence of the event prominently displays the message ALL STAR SHOWCASE UNITED EAST VS UNITED WEST, emphasizing the significance of this historic occasion. It serves as a visual representation of how baseball unites players from diverse backgrounds, transcending geographical boundaries. Adding to the excitement, the billboard features striking images of two renowned baseball players, Jair Jurrjens and Andrelton. As star athletes, they symbolize the caliber of talent participating in the showcase, further heightening anticipation. The digital screens popped up in the UAE in the first week of November.