Emirates Auction, an auction house in the UAE, has launched an OOH campaign to promote Sharjah's car plates online auction platform, following its previous OOH in October 2022. The campaign features a billboard that shows a phone with the Emirates Auction logo and someplates numbers along with the website and the certified stores to get the application from as well. The campaign is for people who are looking for a convenient and easy way to participate in car plates auction. Emirates Auction's online auction platform allows people to bid from anywhere, at any time of day. This is a major advantage over traditional auctions, which require people to be present in person to bid. The campaign features 3 different OOH types, uni-poles, digital screens, and lampposts, and they are also visually appealing. The use of a phone to represent the online auction platform is a clever way to convey the message that the platform is convenient and accessible. The bright colors and bold text also make the billboard clear and oticable. Visit our Insiteopedia and move through the different sections to learn about more outdoor campaigns in the UAE and more in-depth details about the OOH sector.