An OOH campaign advertising the movie Sukkar has been launched by mbc in Egypt. The campaign features the movie's title in Arabic, as well as the release date, October 12, and mbc & Shahid’s logos. The outdoor campaign is designed to raise awareness of the movie and to encourage people to see it in cinemas. The use of Arabic also ensures that the campaign will be understood by a wide audience. The campaign visuals are simple, looking like a normal movie poster, displaying the production company and the movie logos along with the release date and the movies’ stars, Magda Zaki, Reham El Shanawany, Hala Al Turk, Mohamed Tharwat, Wedema Ahmed, Yasmina El Abd, Maria Jomaa, and Abbas Abo El Hassan. The inclusion of the mbc logo also serves to legitimize the movie and to reassure potential viewers that it is worth watching. The movie events take place inside an orphanage, around a young girl named Sukkar, who lives with a large group of children. To learn more about mbc’s OOH campaigns in Egypt, visit MOOH, your local OOH intelligence data provider with international standards.