Kayan Developments, the developer behind the Twin Plaza project in Cairo, has launched an outdoor campaign to promote the new development. The billboards feature a simple yet effective design, with the Twin Plaza logo prominently displayed alongside the text Commercial, Administrative, and Medical and Launching Now. The billboards also highlight the 10% down payment and installment plan up to 5 years available to buyers. The Twin Plaza campaign is well-executed and is sure to generate interest in the new development. The billboards are informative, and the visuals showcase a simulation for the project and its luxurious design. The Twin Plaza campaign is a welcome addition to the Cairo streetscape and is a sign that the city is on the rise. The campaign is sure to generate interest in the new development and help to boost the Cairo economy. One of the strengths of the campaign is its simplicity. The billboards feature a clean and uncluttered design, with the Twin Plaza logo prominently displayed alongside the most important information about the project. This makes the billboards easy to read and understand, even at a glance. To learn more about Kayan Developments’ OOH campaign in Egypt, visit MOOH, your local OOH intelligence data provider with international standards.