Fendi has launched a new digital out-of-home campaign in Dubai, promoting their unmatched bag collection with elegant visuals. The campaign was launched in the first week of October 2023, following the brand's previous out-of-home campaign in September 2021. The campaign visuals are very simple and elegant, showcasing the brand's logo and the collection worn by models in framed shots against 2 different background’s themes in each frame, dark shades and light pink, and the brand’s logo on a white background. The campaign is running on digital screens on busy roads across Dubai, and is sure to catch the attention of passersby. The campaign is a continuation of Fendi's commitment to luxury and elegance. The brand is known for its high-quality products and its sophisticated aesthetic. The DOOH campaign is a perfect reflection of these values. Learn about more outdoor campaigns in the United Arab Emirates and get more in-depth details about the OOH industry by visiting our Insiteopedia and navigate through its different sections.