In the fourth week of September 2023, Seven launched a DOOH campaign in Dubai using digital screens only. The campaign features two visuals: a woman on a light background with the tagline SEVEN MADE ME DO IT and another ad face containing a man on a dark background with the tagline COMMIT TO SOMETHING. The visuals in the Seven DOOH campaign are simple but effective. The woman in the first visual is shown standing confidently with her arms crossed on a light blue background, the blue color reflects confidence, while the man in the second visual makes a high plank on his elbows. Both visuals are high-quality and well-lit, capturing the viewer's attention. The use of background colors in the Seven DOOH campaign is also effective. The light background in the first visual creates a sense of positivity and optimism, while the dark background in the second visual creates a sense of intensity and focus. The taglines in the Seven DOOH campaign are short, catchy, and memorable. The tagline SEVEN MADE ME DO IT is playful and suggests that Seven is a brand that can help people achieve their goals. The tagline COMMIT TO SOMETHING is more serious and challenges the viewer to think about what they are truly committed to.