the magical world of Disney On Ice where Disney characters gracefully skate, spin, and dance brings the magic of 100 Years of Wonder to Abu Dhabi ! a voyage through a hundred years of cherished Disney stories, where fantasies come alive on ice, from the castles of Cinderella to the heartwarming Simba, every enchanting Disney story unfolds on the ice, creating a mesmerizing nostalgia and wonder. the vibrant billboard captivates the heart with the appearance of Disney characters coming to life showing the lovely characters with their dazzling costumes, watching Elsa conjure ice with every twirl and Aladdin and Jasmine take flight on the magic carpet, enchanting passersby with the promise of an unforgettable journey through a century of Disney magic. into the billboard details on how to book tickets for this classic experience, as a gentle reminder that the magic is within reach, and all it takes is a reservation to be part of this magical moment, moreover the Etihad Arena, which is igniting the entertainment scene throughout OOH space with its beloved and nostalgia-inducing Disney on Ice show the magic of Disney On Ice is coming to Abu Dhabi, from 11th-15th Oct'23 at Etihad Arena. 100 Years of Wonder presents all favorite Disney characters live at Disney On Ice.