Al-Futtaim Group and IKEA have once again captivated Dubai's outdoor advertising space with their latest hoarding and wall-wrapping out-of-home campaign. Building on the success of IKEA's previous OOH appearance in June 2023, this new campaign aims to entice customers with exceptional prices and invite them to fulfill their planned purchases. The campaign features a visually striking display, with Al-Futtaim and IKEA's logos. The taglines New lower price, Over 2,500 products, “So you don’t have to drop any of your plans,” and Price drop are prominently positioned to create an immediate impact on passersby. The use of a clean white background for the logos ensures that they’re easily noticeable, while selected IKEA products are also showcased in the ad. The campaign's focus on price drops and exceptional prices creates a sense of urgency among consumers, encouraging them to take advantage of the limited-time offers. By displaying the desired products alongside the enticing offers, Al-Futtaim Group and IKEA have successfully motivated customers to make immediate purchasing decisions.