Vodafone has launched a new outdoor campaign in Cairo featuring the megastar Amr Diab and his son Abdallah Diab. The campaign is aimed at promoting Vodafone's strong doubled network in Egypt. The campaign's visuals are mostly filled with Vodafone's signature red color, with the campaign's message and the brand's logo prominently displayed on all types of OOH kinds used across Cairo's busiest areas. Amr Diab and his son Abdallah were featured in the campaign's video, which was seen on various media channels. In the video, Amr Diab is seen video calling his son using Vodafone's doubled network while producing a song for him in the studio with the famous music arranger Ahmed Ibrahim. The OOH campaign featured two different shots of the star and his son video calling each other, 1 ad face containing a shor for Abdallah on a boat located in the deep sea waters, highlighting that the network is now doubled and stronger than ever before. This outdoor campaign follows Vodafone Egypt's previous OOH campaigns at the beginning of July and in April 2023. Additionally, the previous doubled network OOH campaign from Vodafone Egypt featuring the football world star Mohamed Salah was in January 2023. Vodafone is a company with a strong positioning when it comes to the outdoor scene and the telecommunication industry in Egypt, being seen on Cairo's streets always with a new marketing strategy and different brand ambassadors during the whole year. The use of the famous father-son duo adds a personal touch to the campaign, making it more relatable to consumers. To learn more about Vodafone and the telecommunication industry's OOH campaigns, you can always visit our Insiteopedia and navigate through the section to reach further data. For more in-depth data about this OOH campaign from Vodafone, you can visit MOOH, a dedicated OOH media intelligence agency in Egypt and the UAE.