Chanel, the iconic fashion house, has launched an exciting new outdoor campaign in Dubai, showcasing its 2023 eyewear collection through a series of uni-pole ads’ visuals featuring Shin Hyun-ji and Nile Rodgers. The campaign was launched in the first week of June 2023, in parallel to the brand's OOH campaign for Bleu De Chanel. The CHANEL 2023 eyewear collection campaign is infused with a seventies aura, paying tribute to a cosmopolitan artistic scene and the queens and kings of the night encountered at disco parties and clubs. The ads capture the essence of the era's fashion and style, with a focus on bold, retro-inspired sunglasses and eyeglasses that evoke the glamor and sophistication of the time. The uni-pole ads, strategically placed in key locations across Dubai, featuring Shin Hyun-ji and Nile Rodgers striking a pose in a series of snapshots set against a white background, that draws the viewer's attention. The use of white backgrounds and the models' poses create a sense of timeless elegance and sophistication that is synonymous with the Chanel brand. Chanel's OOH campaigns are always showing audiences the brand's commitment to innovation and creativity, showcasing its ability to consistently evolve and stay relevant in the ever-changing fashion industry.