Chipsy, the popular snack brand, features its star ambassador, Tamer Hosny, across various locations in Cairo and Giza in its latest OOH campaign with a broad audience reach targeting. Uses several OOH formats, including more than one die-cut special production format, to showcase the brand's different flavors and promote its message of joy. The campaign features Tamer Hosny, the renowned Egyptian singer and actor, and Chipsy's different flavors on an attention-grabbing background of bold orange and yellow colors. The brand's message, With joy, it will pass, is prominently displayed in all formats, and also the brand included in its campaign an exciting led production billboard for the brand's message and products, emphasizing the brand's focus on bringing joy and happiness to its customers. The die-cut special production formats, feature Tamer Hosny in various poses with their unique shapes and designs. The campaign also promotes scanning the code on Chipsy's packaging to sing along to Tamer Hosny's songs. The brand’s previous OOH campaign was in January 2023. The campaign's bold colors and star power are sure to capture the attention of snack lovers in Cairo and Giza, making Chipsy the go-to snack for those looking for a fun and satisfying snacking experience. As the campaign continues to roll out across different locations, it is expected to increase the brand's visibility and drive sales, cementing Chipsy's position as one of the leading snack brands in Egypt. To find out more about Chipsy's OOH campaigns, visit Monitoring Out-of-Home (MOOH), a specialized media intelligence agency and analytic system.