KFC, the beloved fast-food chain renowned for its finger-lickin' chicken, has recently launched an exciting OOH campaign to introduce their latest culinary creation - the tantalizing Kantook sandwich. This clever wordplay on the Americana Group brand's name, Kentucky, highlights the sandwich's small yet immensely flavorful profile. With a similar ad theme as their previous appearance, this campaign takes center stage, captivating audiences with its creative and eye-catching visuals. Billboards strategically placed in high-traffic areas feature mouthwatering images of the Kantook sandwich, enticing passersby to indulge in this delectable treat. The campaign's vibrant colors and bold typography exude the unmistakable KFC charm, ensuring that the message grabs attention and lingers in the minds of viewers. A noteworthy aspect of the campaign is its emphasis on convenience. The ads prominently display information about ordering options, emphasizing that customers can now savor the irresistible Kantook sandwich by either using the KFC mobile app or simply calling the hotline. This seamless integration of technology and traditional ordering methods provides a hassle-free experience, catering to the diverse preferences of KFC's loyal fanbase. The OOH campaign for KFC's Kantook sandwich brilliantly combines visual appeal, enticing copy, and convenient ordering options. By reaching out to a wide audience through strategically placed billboards, KFC ensures that the irresistible allure of their new creation reaches both existing fans and potential customers. Check out (MOOH), a dedicated media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to find out more information about this campaign.