Hya Tv, a new Arabic channel for women, which was broadcasted and seen on Cairo’s OOH lately, and managed to attract attention even before its launch. On Thursday, February 9, 2023, Hya Tv channel launched after extensive preparations that included recruiting several talented female presenters. The Egyptian Stars website will exclusively introduce the presenters. The channel features programs hosted by female media professionals and women from various fields. The first episodes are now airing. The Channel Presenters are, Sally Fouad, Reham Aiaad, Razan Moughrabi, Doaa Amer, Nagwa Ibrahim, Abeer Sheikh, Amira Badr, Menna Arafa, Chef Sodfa, Nancy Salah, Sarah Nakhla, Mona Abu Al-Saud, Hajar Mukhtar, Asmaa Raouf, Sherine El-Manzlawy, Randa Fikr, Azza and Totai, and Mirna Ezz El-Din. Know more about Hya Tv’s OOH campaigns by visiting Monitoring Out-of-Home (MOOH), a specialized media intelligence agency and analytic system in Cairo and the United Arab Emirates.