In a groundbreaking move, the real estate developer Jawad Developments has harnessed the potential of out-of-home (OOH) advertising to showcase their remarkable commercial project in West Cairo. The mesmerizing Val Plaza Mall has now become a vivid visual spectacle for all outdoor advertising enthusiasts in Greater Cairo. The recent OOH campaign advertised a minimalistic yet captivating display for the mall, strategically located in the vibrant 6th of October city. With the ad message Limitless Opportunities, Phase One of Val Plaza Mall was introduced to the public. Highlighting not only its prime location, the visuals for the campaign also share the sales office headquarters for potential buyers seeking more information about the payment plan options. Building upon the success of the previous campaign, Jawad Developments has returned with an even more detailed and visually captivating presentation for Val Plaza Mall. The new visuals showcase the architectural marvel of the mall, enticing viewers with its aesthetic appeal. The accompanying message emphasizes the diverse range of available spaces, including offices, retail outlets, and clinics. What makes it even more enticing is the attractive payment plan, featuring a remarkable 0% Downpayment option and a flexible installment plan of up to six years. Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & UAE, to learn more about the newest campaigns.