McDonald's UAE has launched a new limited-time offering, the McFizz Sprite with a passion fruit twist containing seeds and McFlurry Reese's. The product is being promoted in an outdoor campaign that was launched in the first week of May, following its last appearance on the outdoor scene in April 2023. The campaign utilizes various OOH displays, including digital screens and lampposts, across Dubai and Sharjah. The visuals are designed to showcase the products, with a straightforward message displaying the new products' names and the brand logo using tew different ad copy colors for each product. The new McFlurry Reese's at McDonald's UAE is the perfect treat for chocolate and peanut butter lovers. Additionally, McDonald's UAE has also introduced the McFizz with a passion fruit twist, which complements the McFlurry perfectly. The limited-time offer of these two products creates a sense of urgency among customers to try them out, and marketing them on OOH platforms further increases their visibility and appeal. McDonald's use of OOH media ensures that the campaign reaches a wider audience and increases brand visibility. The straightforward message in the visuals makes it easy for consumers to understand the product and brand being promoted.