Gates Developments has boosted a groundbreaking Space ongoing campaign for their 6th of October commercial complex project on Cairo's out-of-home media scene. The campaign, which utilizes billboards and vibrant design colors, has garnered significant attention and interest from the public after their last campaign in March 2023 promoting the same outstanding project, Space. The campaign visual is focusing on giving the project’s name its pride by using different background colors such as green, orange, and blue along with the brand’s logo, hotline, the project’s location, and the tagline “ A Commercial Complex, For Everyone “. The Space Commercial Complex is a unique new retail development that promises to revolutionize the commercial real estate industry in Cairo. The project is considered to be an unmatched retail experience in one convenient location. Get the whole insights about Gates Developments’ OOH campaign, OOH kinds, locations, and more by visiting MOOH, Egypt, and The Emirates OOH-dedicated analysis system and Media Intelligence.