Maya Hawke, Amanda Gorman, and Jeon Somi star in Prada’s latest launch of the Eternal Gold, a fine jewelry collection, paraded on UAE’s DOOH. Following their prior appearance, the new campaign reflects the message of the Eternal Gold launch, highlighting how jewelry is emotional, and that is why they aim, with this collection, to create an emotional journey that can continue throughout the lives of the ones who invest in the pieces and pass it to their children. Prada selected three up-and-coming artists to be immortalized in gold negative renderings. Amanda Gorman, a poet, Maya Hawke, a singer and actor, and Jeon Somi, a musician, were all chosen for their talent and youth, representing the optimism of future generations. The campaign showcase features the three models captured in black and white and the only color present is one of the jewelry pieces, gold. That just goes to show the audience that Prada is welcoming transparency to the jewelry market and spotlighting what true jewelry looks like. Other than anything else, the elegance of the campaign ultimately reflects that gold is the focus, a timeless and ancient material that can be recycled and cherished forever, something truly eternal. The campaign struck Dubai’s billboards in the second week of April upon digital screens.