Mastercard is a name that doesn’t need any introduction to any audience. This great name has started a campaign for the World Food Program in collaboration with These two forces have collaborated on a global campaign that is also running in Egypt at the same time to benefit WFP as much as it can. In its previous campaign, Mastercard was all about bringing Egyptians closer to their passions. In this global campaign, and Mastercard make real changes with the World Food Programme through Mastercard’s OOH campaign. The campaign is joyous and simple, with a beautiful portrait of a kid eating and smiling at the camera. The campaign reads in both Arabic and English, “When you shop on, Mastercard donates meals,” revealing the beautiful and noble premise of the campaign. Another tagline reads “Fueling their future,” along with the hashtag #PricelessToMe which is Mastercard’s famous motto and reflects on the campaign and how priceless food and good deeds are. The campaign also features the famous logos of and Mastercard on a black background, exuding confidence and trust with the audience and contrasting with the joyousness of the portrait. This digital screen and hoarding campaign is all over Dubai, showing the two brands’ keenness to spreading awareness among as many people as possible. Notably, this campaign is running in parallel with Egypt's campaign.