Majority of citizens at Sharjah are well taken care of thanks to the government's supporting policies. Non-profit charity organizations throughout the nation frequently offer additional assistance in the form of monetary gifts, donations of personal property, educational support, or emergency healthcare. Prior to their last year’s campaign, the leading Sharjah charity association, based on collecting donations, providing to the poor, the needy and the orphans is reaching out to more people through this OOH campaign, encouraging them that their zakat money will surely have an impact. Sharjah Charity International’s ad display is straight to the point as it solely focuses on the message being promoted to the public eye, which is to donate in this holy month of giving, “your donation has an impact” with a strong effort on engaging in philanthropic activities is a noble way to give back to the community and help those in need. Al Masa Advertising, Next Sign Media and Emirates Neon Group were the media providers to this campaign with the visuals and ad message being displayed as bridge billboards, mega com, rooftop billboards, and lampposts during the fourth week of March.