Galaxy fills Cairo’s streets with flavors for every taste. Whether you’re a classics chocolate fan, like fruit in your chocolate, or prefer vanilla Galaxy has got it all and is parading it on Cairo’s diverse OOH landscapes. Following their prior appearance where they launched the vanilla flutes bar, featuring their whole bar collection with the slogan “A Delight In Every Flavour.” The outdoor ad takes you through swirls of chocolate goodness, truly showing you what you’re getting with every flavor. From the caramel and salted caramel filling, to the hazelnut and crisper filling, the galaxy has got it all. For all the chocolate lovers out there, Galaxy has honestly made their dreams come true. The ads take Cairo’s streets to the sweetest level, reminding passersby of the goodness and smoothness of Galaxy chocolate bars. Every flavor is placed in the ad, that includes the original smooth milk, crispy, caramel, hazelnut, salted caramel, fruits & nuts, and dark chocolate. Curious to know more about the campaign? Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to learn more about this campaign.