Do you know that Egypt was estimated to be the fifth-highest in terms of foreign money transfers received worldwide in 2019, trailing India, China, Mexico, and the Philippines, the world's four largest remittance-receiving nations? Because the country is one of the most popular destinations for cross-border remittances, sending AED to EGP money transfers has never been easier. With market validation indicating a high frequency of money transfers from different countries to Egypt, appears a financial service provider in Sharjah’s out-of-home spaces offering a chance to win cash! Since its inception in 1971, Al Fardan Exchange has had the unique ability to assist communities that have helped establish this nation by realizing their own aspirations - both in the UAE and in their home countries. The campaign's visuals displayed on Next Sign Media’s Hoarding spaces advertise that by using Al Fardan Exchange, you are “Always a Winner!”. With the ad message appearing in both English and Arabic, the objective is to expand the campaign's reach to all passersby. The focal point is written with a big font highlighting that when you “Send Money to Egypt” you can “Win Cash”. Curious to know the prizes available once you send money between the “10th of February” and the “11th of March”? The center of the hoarding spaces is dedicated to showcasing the “Mega Prize”, “Weekly Prize”, and “Daily Prize”! What an exciting first OOH to the subsidiary of Al Farhan Group! What can we expect from the financial service provider in their upcoming outdoor campaigns?