Samsung has arrived on Dubai’s billboards, capturing attention with its new Galaxy S23 Series, following its latest appearance before this one. The phone is all-new in mobile devices, offering our most rapid mobile CPU to date, enhanced selfies in dim light, and is made with sustainable materials. Natural dyes are utilized to create brand-new hues that are incorporated into the polished metal frame and are inspired by nature. With a sleek, matte all-black background, the Samsung Galaxy S23 phones maintain their gorgeous aesthetic on the billboards and in various, harmonious colors, and they show off some impressive photography shots the phones took. They invite people to “shop through their website”. Samsung knows just how eco-conscious this new generation that they’re targeting is, so the Galaxy S23 series sets a higher standard for high-end technology that may improve people's lives and work towards a better environment. Samsung Galaxy has increased its usage of recycled materials from the Galaxy S22 series, going from six internal components in the Galaxy S22 Ultra to 12 internal and exterior components in the Galaxy S23 Ultra. More recyclable materials than any other Galaxy smartphone are used in the Galaxy S23 series. Samsung’s campaign was disclosed in the first week of February, via hoardings, from Multi-Platform Network ( MPN ) and Media 247 working hand in hand.