CBC announces their newest TV program “Shark Tank” which is all about encouraging entrepreneurs from Egypt to pitch their business ideas and models to investors and convince them to invest their money in their businesses. The previous campaign of CBC was to promote the Ramadan TV drama series which participated big time in the drama race. Shark Tank program has finally been brought to Egypt on CBC TV channels with a panel of Egyptian popular businessmen like Ahmed El Sewedy, CEO of El Sewedy Electric, and Ayman Abbas, founder of the Egyptian Chinese Drilling Company. The OOH is an awareness campaign about the program, including its logo, the program’s logo, the WatchIt logo, and the time the program will be screened on TV. The campaign has been spotted in more than one cluttered location, such as Downtown Cairo; which indicates a geo-distribution that targets a broad audience and therefore introduces the TV program to a newer demographic. It also came in different shapes and sizes to catch the eye of people walking or driving from any direction. If you’re interested in the program; you can apply if you’re more than 18 years old, present in Egypt during the participation in the program, may not have been convicted of a felony in 10 years; and of course, have a creative and out of the box business idea with a proper business plan. Curious to know more about CBC campaign? Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to learn more about the campaigns.