When you think of stocking up on your groceries, who is the first one that comes to your mind? Yes, that’s right Carrefour’s people’s go-to French retailer strikes one more time with an astonishing campaign, in a very short period of time since its last campaign with the Grand on Gold advertising campaign wow-ing their audience as usual. Just like every other Carrefour campaign, it never makes it complicated but quite the opposite, making it as forward and straight to the point as it can get, placing electronics with floating gold around it to interpret to the audience that when they spend 500 AED on electronics they have a chance to win 3g, 25g, or 1k gold! Just like the billboard mentions it’s “Grand on Gold” meaning that you spend small on price but in return, you win gold and who wouldn't want to win gold? The campaign used lampposts and digital screens using both English and Arabic languages to get the utmost benefit of the campaign and reach as many people as possible by being placed in Dubai and Sharjah and being provided by BackLite Media, JCDecaux, Tasweeq, and Hypermedia.