In a battle of lactose intolerance among everyone, Lamar shows its customers that it listens and announces an all-new purple-bottled-and-all 0% milk on its latest billboards in Cairo. In its previous campaign, Lamar announced its new Cookies and Cream flavored milk, keeping each customer on their toes with each release. In this campaign, Lamar is going for a simple yet attractive look. It features the new purple milk bottle on a white background. The billboard also features a text on the right that translates to “The Lightest Natural Milk”. In addition to, a simple text on the right with Lamar’s logo that translates to “New From Lamar”. The campaign is simple, and it is an attractive announcement of a needed product. The billboard is easy on the eyes, the text is simple and is written with an artistic font, making it equally appealing and easy to read from anywhere. Lamar just keeps going with its products and campaigns, and here’s to the next one. Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & UAE, to learn more about Lamar’s newest campaigns.