A world without borders, A world where new and exciting can be found around every corner, where colors, flavors, and experiences blend into one magnificent cultural melting pot. From bustling bazaars to breathtaking performances, unique cuisines, and shopping options, the best of the world’s cultures and entertainment come together at Global Village. Following their last campaign, lighting up thousands of smiles, the international destination fires up a campaign across Dubai inviting audiences to take part in “Elves Approved” Christmas celebrations at their magical land using a mantra of “Celebrate With The Elves, Shop At Our Elves Endorsed Gift Stores, Ski On The Elves Verified Frozen Lake,” etc. The campaign had an inclusive theme inviting all cultures to take part; showcasing the diversity of the Global Village using mottos such as “take your best shopping in 27 countries this weekend” with a background of different cultural landmarks to shadow variety. Another slogan used to illustrate an inclusive environment was “ The World Is Your Oyster Or Popadom Or Dim Sum Or Kebab. This campaign appeared in Dubai on the third week of December, displayed on uni-poles, digital screens, and lampposts.