McDonald’s is back on Cairo’s billboards following their last appearance, reminding their customers and caffeine lovers that the Manfood’s restaurant also serves delicious coffee alongside the wide variety of what Mcdonald's already offers to the foodservice industry. The Mansfood fast food chain advertises its coffee to remind customers as its one of the underselling yet delicious items. That is because audiences perceive Mcdonald’s as a fast-food restaurant and totally forget that they serve appetizing breakfasts and flavorful coffees. This is why this campaign is all about showcasing Mcdonald’s Java. The campaign used visuals of three different types of coffee (Americano, Cappuccino, and Latte ) with three different kinds of beans to demonstrate how much they take the hot beverage process carefully. However, the steamy-looking beverage was not the only eye-catching thing on the billboards; the design of the ads and the color palette used shadowed an aroma of warmth while also giving a solid taste impression. Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to learn more about this campaign.