Tamer Ashour, Wegz, Ahmed Saad, Marwan Moussa, Essam Sasa, MUSlim, Marwan Pablo, Cairokee, and others! It’s not a music festival announcement; it’s the newest Spotify campaign that features all those stars and more! In the previous campaign, Spotify offered a creative idea to make you use music as your own soundtrack. This campaign is nothing less creative than this one; in fact, Spotify is making it a trend at this time of year to come up with this wrap-up campaign that gathers all the top events in one campaign that we personally anticipate to refresh the creative side of the ad world. In the current campaign, Spotify Technology SA’s streaming platform used the solid colors they always use on their out-of-home campaigns. And used the number of the year-round streaming times to use it in a comedic-entertaining way that makes take a second to think if that was the song’s impact on you or not. And guess what, most probably, it’s true! It’s worth noting that the campaign is displayed digitally on Zayed Digital Boards along with traditional billboards that you will come across on bridges and main roads in greater Cairo. Learn more insights about Spotify campaign by checking out Monitoring Out-of-Home (MOOH, a specialist media intelligence agency and analytic system active in Cairo and Dubai)