Following their prior appearance a year ago, the annual celebration of fitness and wellness Dubai Fitness Challenge (DFC) is back with the Dubai 30x30 event, introduced initially by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum which is considered to be a very fun activity like nothing else, its unique attraction. Each room is challenging in its own way, and each puzzle that has to be solved is unique and exciting, a brilliant group activity that requires a lot of teamwork and also gets a lot of laughs. The advertisement exhorts citizens of the city to engage in continuous 30-minute activities every day for 30 days, providing participants with a wide range of physical and virtual exercises as well as wellness chances that have never been seen before, creating a fitness-focused mindset for people out there. Similar to the images from the last campaign, the images show people exercising while they are set against a background that is combined with shades of blue and green. Take The Challenge is the slogan used by the advertiser, who also asks to sign up right away at their official website. However, the challenge is only open from 29 October through 27 November. With all the organizers, partners, and social media platforms and information needed at the bottom space of the background. The campaign has accelerated on Dubai’s screens as digital screens.