The fashion wear department store chain, Bloomingdale’s takes off once again on UAE’s billboards celebrating a century and a half of style & heritage. Following their prior branding campaign, Bloomingdale’s comes out with their fall/winter'22 collections, honoring 150 years of excellence. The American high-end department store Bloomingdale’s showcases some new pieces from the fall/winter 2022 collection on the new campaign billboards, utilizing a warm-toned ad design and shoot set to reflect the fall vibe, as well as hosting their new brand ambassador, fashion consultant Hanan Houachmi, digital creator Fay Ezzat and fashion public figure Mohamed Alahbabi. The pieces featured are extremely up-to-trend and stylish, ensuring the brand’s expertise in offering the audience unique pieces for every season. The shot portrayed in the ad spaces is exceptionally eye-catching, from the colors and set to the models and pieces paraded. The orange tones in the ad evoke feelings of prestige while symbolizing quality. The ad copy hosts Bloomingdale’s logo with the addition of the “150”, ensuring that onlookers are aware of such accomplishment, as well as a subtle mention of the fall/winter collection that is now available in-store and online through Bloomingdale’s website. The Bloomingdale campaign is new and struck Dubai roads in the first week of October upon hoarding billboards.