Following their last presence on Cairo’s OOH scenery, Mcdonald’s reveals the upgrades done to the fan favorite “Mix 2 Meal” offer. The food service tycoon submerged Cairo’s streets with a promotional campaign announcing the return of the offer with a little twist to it. The Manfoods QSR brand previously had the same deal on its menu, but the twist this time is in the sandwiches themselves. The (2 Sandwich Combo) is an offer with 2 sandwiches of your selection, either a Chicken Macdo or a Cheese Burger, a size small Mcdonald’s famous fries, and a drink of your choice. The offer is still the same as the previous one, but the way of making the appetizing sandwiches is different; the upgraded versions have a larger-sized bun and larger patties. This makes the meal more filling and overall levels up the quality level, and all that is for a convenient 55 pounds only! Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to learn more about this campaign.