The back-to-school season started a couple of weeks ago, and parents before students are looking for some updated method to add a fun twist to studying. Learning can be a fun experience; with this concept, Madrasetna, the TV channel, and mobile app decided to diminish the old, obsolete, boring learning methods. It all started during the pandemic when the Ministry of Education decided to support virtual learning and launch a tv channel along with a dedicated mobile application rerunning the video lessons. The previous campaign was under the message “Future is now” to introduce the educational service to the audience. The campaign’s billboards had 3 messages. The first message is “discover, learn, and think,” and the second message is “ask, participate, and learn,” which complement each other and use every call to action the education manual has. The last message is “Learn whenever you are,” as a friendly reminder of the most significant privilege Madrastena uses to stand out as the first educational platform in Egypt. Along with the campaign's messages, the billboard tailed with the Ministry of Education. and the download channels, i.e., Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store, as a call to action to download the application and start an enjoyable learning experience. If you want to know more details about the Madrasetna campaign, Visit MOOH, a monitoring out-of-home intelligence data provider in Cairo & Dubai.