Wio takes Dubai’s digital outdoor advertising arena by storm, offering a complete reboot to banking as we know it. The financial service provider is considered an all-in-one digital financial platform created to say goodbye to tedious banking complicated processes. Wio’s awareness campaign ad spaces note the campaign slogan “Let’s Reboot Banking” alongside the brand’s logo, which means to download their application and website URL for any additional inquiries. The ad copy is placed on a royal blue background, which reflects the brand’s brand identity colors that symbolize expertise and stability. The overall campaign theme is pretty simple, focusing on Wio’s goal of focusing on the bigger picture of creating a completely digital platform with infinite opportunities. The ads’ simplicity is enticing to the audience, drawing their interest to what Wio is offering in terms of an evolved banking experience. Wio’s latest awareness campaign struck Dubai’s billboards in the third week of September upon digital screens.