As seen on a DOOH campaign spreading across Dubai from Dubai Calendar, British singer-songwriter, and Brit Award winner George Ezra will perform at Coca-Cola Arena in the UAE for what is sure to be a spectacular performance. Dubai Calendar’s last campaign announced Iyad Rimawi’s appearance at the Dubai Opera. George Ezra, best known for his number-one hit Shotgun, has two platinum-selling albums including songs like Budapest, that solidified the young musician's international status. Their ad invites people to catch a seat if they want to hear the soulful artist perform his classics live. His fans can expect to hear a tonne of his signature bouncy songs, all of which will culminate in a dramatic conclusion that will put a spring in your step. His soulful aura can be spotted from Dubai’s streets thanks to the ad visuals that spotlight a deep, evoking blue light surrounding the singer like a halo. George Ezra is captured in a snapshot of the visuals, losing himself to the music and surely spreading that feeling to his audience. Dubai Calendar adds that he is scheduled to perform for fans on October 21 at the Coca-Cola Arena. The new campaign mounted Dubai’s roads in the first week of October through digital screens.