Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) once again blazes across Dubai’s out-of-home advertising platforms, popping up with hot sensation Dua Lipa and their LIBRE Eau De Parfum after their previous campaign with the same ambassador and for the same scent. YSL actually utilizes the same photoshoot and the same visuals from last time to create this campaign, as striking as ever with the beauty that is Dua Lipa in her sharp bob, dressed in all-black like she just came out of a dream. A sight to behold indeed, with the fiery “LIBRE” sign set on flames behind her. The tagline reminds YSL lovers that there’s a new, concentrated scent available, which is The New Le Parfum, along with the original. There are several versions of the LIBRE Fragrance Collection, which are the LIBRE Eau De Toilette, LIBRE Eau De Parfum, LIBRE Eau De Parfum Intense, and LIBRE Le Parfum. The high-end, luxurious cosmetics brand displays the perfume bottles looking every bit as classy and bold as their aroma. The new campaign ignited Dubai in the first week of October across uni-poles, hoardings, and digital screens.