The modern real estate developer Bonyan has released its first outdoor campaign with a new outdoor lifestyle destination called The Walk of Cairo (The WOC) reinventing the leisure experience. The outdoor complex WOC has over 100 local and international retailers, including food and beverage, diverse retail outlets, a wellness center, family entertainment options, as well as many other attractions for visitors to experience and indulge in, all in one gated outdoor space. The idea arose from the ambition to develop a great outdoor lifestyle attraction in Cairo that catered to the whole family. The WOC will alter Cairo's entertainment scene and provide each visitor with a singular experience like the billboard says “Lost your smile? Find your smile at the woc!” featuring a happy-looking family. Visit our Media Intelligence platform and OOH-specific analytic system for Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (MOOH) to learn more about Walk of Cairo’s new campaign, including its location, budget, and approach.