Menassat is an innovative concept of real estate development aimed at transforming the face of As this is Menassat Developments’ first OOH campaign for Podia Tower, do you think another integrated living in Egypt while enriching every aspect of its community’s life? Ever since its establishment in Egypt, Menassat Developments has developed two projects that focus on offering spaces for potential property buyers that are interested in buying commercial and administrative properties; those projects are; Eclipse Business Space and Podia Tower. The construction of both projects is in New Cairo and the New Administrative Capital. In this campaign, Menassat Developments launched an Out-of-Home with the Marketing Objective of promoting Podia Tower, which is located in the New Administrative Capital in the most awaited real estate event in Egypt, Cityscape. The creative element on the billboards showcases various elements with a call to action to attend the event. The first element that captures the attention of the billboard viewer is the exclusive offer for Podia Tower to those who attend the event. This is evident as the text’s background is red, enticing a sense of excitement. The second is an image of the architectural masterpiece while adding a label on the image to help viewers interpret that the image is the Podia Tower. The third element is Menassat’s years of experience, the type of property spaces offered, the logo of Cityscape, dates of availability, the location, and lastly, Menassat Developments’ logo and their hotline. Let alone the texts are on a blue background to enhance the sense of loyalty that Menassat has to its customers. Check out Monitoring Out of Home (MOOH), a specialist media intelligence agency and analysis system active in Cairo & Dubai, to learn more about this campaign.